Recommended Books

Who Sank the Boat?

Pamela Allen

Australian Curriculum:  Description

The story of 5 animal friends who decide to take a boat trip. It all goes pear-shaped when the boat won’t hold all the weight. So, who sinks the boat?

Teaching ideas
Other investigations based on the book; would the order they got in the boat have effected the outcome? Place the animals in order of lightest to heaviest - test your prediction. How would a bigger boat have effected the outcome?

Adam Spencer’s Mind-Boggling Maths, Outrageous Puzzles, Enormous Super-Cool Games Book of Numbers and heaps of other fun stuff!

Adam Spencer

Australian Curriculum:  Description

Prep-Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009); YR1-Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022); YR2-Describe the features of three-dimensional objects (ACMMG043); YR3-Identify symmetry in the environment (ACMMG066); YR4-Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 (ACMNA074); YR5-Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (ACMNA291); YR6-Construct simple prisms and pyramids (ACMMG140); YR7-Draw different views of prisms and solids formed from combinations of prisms (ACMMG161); YR8-Solve a range of problems involving rates and ratios, with and without digital technologies (ACMNA188); YR9-Express numbers in scientific notation (ACMNA210)

Teaching ideas
Real-world application in this book. Cross-curricular links are strong too, science, humanities, music, HPE etc

The Phantom Tollbooth

Australian Curriculum:  Description
Teaching ideas
Explore the mathematical language and concepts. Eg. Ensuring the world once again has rhyme and reason --> explore the concept of averaging as a 'levelling' process

Pythagoras and His Theorem: The Big Idea

Paul Strathern

Australian Curriculum:  Description

Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles (ACMMG222)

Teaching ideas

The Golden Section: Natures Greatest Secret

Scott Olsen

Australian Curriculum:  Description
Teaching ideas
Cross curricular links to Humanities in particular ancient history and also art.

The Dot and the Line: A romance in lower mathematics

Norton Juster

Australian Curriculum:  Description
Teaching ideas
Show youtube clip of this story. Cross curricular links to animation, art, poetry.

Q.E.D. Beauty in Mathematical Proof

Burkard Polster

Australian Curriculum:  Description
Teaching ideas
Hooks for lessons. Introduction to new topics.

Where is the Green Sheep?

Mem Fox

Australian Curriculum:  Description

Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005); 1-Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip-counting and patterns with objects (ACMNA018)

Teaching ideas
Subitising small numbers, patterns

Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland

Cindy Neuschwander

Australian Curriculum:  Description

4-Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than, or less than, a right angle (ACMMG089); 5-Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor (ACMMG112); 6-Investigate, with and without digital technologies, angles on a straight line, angles at a point and vertically opposite angles. Use results to find unknown angles (ACMMG141)

Teaching ideas
Identifying, classifying and drawing angle. Games like acute-right-straight-obtuse (rock-paper-scissors)

Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar

Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno

Australian Curriculum:  Description

Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers (ACMNA123)

Teaching ideas
At a year 6 level, factorial numbers can be used to help students understand and be able to explain the power of the operation of multiplication in contrast with addition. Specialist Mathematics in the Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum (ACARA) covers the concept of factorial notation (ACMSM003).