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Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar
Look for a pattern
Australian Curriculum: Description
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers (ACMNA123)
Teaching ideas
At a year 6 level, factorial numbers can be used to help students understand and be able to explain the power of the operation of multiplication in contrast with addition. Specialist Mathematics in the Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum (ACARA) covers the concept of factorial notation (ACMSM003).
Anno’s Magic Seeds
Australian Curriculum: Description
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder (ACMNA082); Find unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction (ACMNA083)
Teaching ideas
Explore other patterns such as square numbers, triangular numbers, Fibonacci sequence etc.
Wild Fibonacci: Nature’s Secret Code Revealed
Maths Concepts
Australian Curriculum: Description
Describe, continue, and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction (ACMNA060); 4-Find unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction (ACMNA083)
Teaching ideas
Puzzle collaboration to create some summary notes for the maths workbook. Like the clip titled Fibonacci Numbers: Identifying Patterns on Teaching Channel
Australian Curriculum Year Level
Foundation Year, Year 1
Act it Out
Australian Curriculum: Description
Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005); Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip-counting and patterns with objects (ACMNA018)