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Poke-a-Dot: An Alphabet Eye Spy
Maths Concepts
Australian Curriculum: Description
Foundation Year – Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Teaching ideas
Poke-a-Dot:Who’s in the Ocean?
Maths Concepts
Australian Curriculum: Description
Foundation Year – Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Teaching ideas
Poke-a-Dot: 10 Little Monkeys
Maths Concepts
Australian Curriculum: Description
Foundation Year – Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Teaching ideas
Poke-a-Dot: Old MacDonald’s Farm
Maths Concepts
Australian Curriculum: Description
Foundation Year – Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001)
Teaching ideas
Where is the Green Sheep?
Australian Curriculum Year Level
Foundation Year, Year 1
Act it Out
Australian Curriculum: Description
Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005); 1-Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip-counting and patterns with objects (ACMNA018)